Technical Director

Luke Wimbridge

Luke Wimbridge from Perth, Australia is a high performance cricket coach with 28 years of full-time coaching experience in Australia and England. He also holds the position of head coach at Southern Cricket Academy, Perth, and president of the Cumbrian Junior Cricket Competition in Australia which has the glorious reputation of producing a large number of International cricketers. Luke is an expert in prevention and sports injury management and is also well-qualified with experience in the field of biomechanics.

Hemant is a quietly spoken, highly intelligent and astute thinker of the game of cricket.

Batting Coach

Hemant Kinikar

Attention to detail and a lovely nature to teach. Decades of experience in playing and coaching and genuinely loves the game.

Bowling Coach

Pradeep Sunderam

Fit as his smile is wide and bright. Lovely bloke and a great wicketkeeping coach. Never forgotten, keepers work in small groups to hone their skills to support the team. Vinayak brings a wealth of experience to our programme. Players love the commitment.

WK & Fielding Coach

Vinayak R. Samant

Manoj has driving passion for the game.

Batting Coach

Manoj Joglekar


Salil Sinha

Strength and conditioning is a scientific art mixing strength with mobility work to reduce injury and improve performance. It needs to be planned and understood well so the short through to long term planning of our players is secure. Bidyut brings the science and mixes this with knowledge of the game and delivers it with passion beyond his years.

Strength & Conditioning Coach

Bidyut Talukdar

A willing assistant with great versatility. Pratip fills a role in every aspect of our Academy. He brings enthusiasm and willingness and sets the benchmark for young players for love of the game.

coaching assistant

Pratip Dutta

Nazir runs a tight ship for committed young cricketers. Skills are taught with passion and games are played with loads of fun. Skill development is in good hands at Pay & Play.

Pay & Play Head Coach

Nazir Ali


Koustob Bharadwaj

assistant coach

Situ Das

assistant Coach

Babu Ram Magar

Video Analyst

Rajesh Sarmah

Mental Strengthening & Lifestyle Coach

Tribenee Bhattacharyya

Former technical director & Coach

Dr. Ganesh Dutt Chugh

Stuart Binny

Ignite Your Passion for Cricket


Experience international standard training at ACA Cricket Academy. Join us today to enhance your cricketing skills and reach new heights. Our expert coaches, comprehensive programs, and competitive environment will help you excel in the game. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of our community of dedicated cricketers.



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ACA Cricket Academy is a Center of Excellence for Cricket,  set up by the Assam Cricket Association, an affiliated member of BCCI, for the grooming of cricketers and technical personnel involved with the game.

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